Kozak Family Portrait - Eyes, 2009 

I had been doing a lot of work with driftwood.

One particular plank that I had found had inspired me to start a ‘Family Tree’ - paintings of the eyes of members of my bloodline. It was standing in my studio when the client visited one day, and subsequently commissioned me to paint his family’s eyes on a piece of driftwood that he had. 

I worked from close-up photographs of the eyes of the four individuals.

Oil on driftwood,  Probably about 150 x 40 cm.

The painting is in Cyprus.

Oil painting on driftwood depicting four pairs of eyes of the four members of one family. All have blue eyes, but each person's eyes are clearly different - the father's more mature and lined , the sons' eyes softer and obviously younger.

The four family members - portrait of eyes on driftwood




Tony & Claire Parsons