Tony & Claire Parsons, 2009 

The sitter is a renowned speaker and author of several books on spiritual matters, including The Open Secret. He has spoken often at meetings and retreats all over the world, and has a large following.

His wife commissioned me to paint this portrait but, as I know that she is very much a part of his work, and is very much the feminine element in the partnership, always offering a listening ear and warm advice to people, I felt it only right to include her in the painting.

Oil on canvas, 50 x 50 cm.

The painting is in England.

Dual portrait of an older man in the foreground and his slim, blond wife in the background. The man has thinning grey hair, twinkling blue eyes and a smile on his lips. His wife, to the left and behind him, cradles a mug in her hands & smiles warmly.

Portrait of Tony & Claire Parsons


Family Portrait - The Eyes Have It


Acetate Quartet